Single Word Requests – Word for Someone Who Loves to Create and Organize Noisy, Lively Events


Some people love creating or fostering the creation of events that are noisy, chaotic and fun, such as parties, arguments, reunions, etc. Sometimes there's a negative connotation to this (like in provoking an argument), but sometimes there is not (like in organising a big, noisy party).

The word I'm looking for would be the English equivalent to the Spanish armadanzas, just in case this is helpful.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I quite like hell-raiser. The alternatives suggested here, like roisterer, wassailer, merrymaker, carouser and reveller all sound either dated or archaic to me.

For someone who isn't quite so "dangerously" boisterous, and not so closely associated with excess consumption of alcohol, there's always a live wire - a vivacious, alert, or energetic person. And as @RSG points out, there's also a party animal.