Learn English – Word for Thing Being Described


The descriptor is the term that describes something. Is there a word for that which is being described?

Many English words exist that have this "affected-affector" relationship. For example, it exists in mathematics, specifically in regards to arithmetic in the following forms:

  • In summation, the result is called the sum, whilst the numbers being added are called the addends.
  • In substraction, the result is called the difference, whilst the numbers being subtracted are called the minuend and subtrahend.
  • In multiplication, the result is called the product, whilst the numbers being multipled are called the multiplier and multiplicand
  • In division, the result is called the quotient, whilst the numbers being divided are called the dividend and divisor.

(Maths source here.)

¹ Or, collectively, just factors.

Best Answer

The referent.

referent n.

A person or thing to which a linguistic expression refers.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition.

referent n

  1. the object or idea to which a word or phrase refers.

Collins English Dictionary

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