Learn English – word for this emotion? Resentment over someone’s good fortune without wanting it – Not quite jealousy/envy


What is the word to describe this? I was reading up about the differences between jealousy and envy and this doesn't seem to fit either, when you don't actually want what the other person has, nor do you have it, but you're just kind of bitter and angry because you don't think they deserve anything at all.

For example: Your crappy neighbor wins a new car. You have a much better car, or don't even need a car at all, but you're still mad about it since he doesn't deserve to win anything at all. Or, you break up with a real jerk, are more than happy to be rid of him and find a new wonderful partner, and then later see him out with a really attractive person. It's not like you want the guy back, or you want the person he's with, or that you're even wanting a relationship, but you just are angry that this jerk is getting anything at all.

A friend suggested "begrudge", but it still sounds like you actually want what the other person has. Is there a simple word to express resentment/biterness over another person's good fortune without investment in actually wanting what they obtained?

Best Answer

I don’t think you will find a better word than begrudge for “regard as ill-deserved”.

I know I shouldn’t care, but I begrudge my ex his new partner a bit.

Merriam-Webster agrees that it needn’t have a covetous connotation:

be·grudge verb \bi-ˈgrəj, bē-\

: to think that someone does not deserve something

: to regard (something) as not being earned or deserved

Resent is another good choice.