Learn English – Word meaning “having the power to both create and destroy something”


I'm looking for a single word, noun or adjective, that conveys the meaning "having the power to both create and destroy" something specific. For example:

The magician seemingly had < insert word here > over rabbits, able to pull them from thin air, and equally return them to nothingness


The network administrator can both create and delete user accounts, they have < insert word here > over/on/with user accounts.

Some words that I've considered but don't quite fit are

  • sovereignty (too specific to politics)
  • potency (not quite right)
  • omnipotence (implies non specific power)

To clear some things up in response to comments.

  • the creation/destruction need not be physical.
  • there's no wizardry involved. Regarding the magician, think stage performer not wizard
  • the word should not be limited to power over a specific thing, e.g. sovereignty grants per to create and repeal laws, but not the power to create and destroy rabbits
  • the word should be modifiable in combination with a subject to indicate a single thing or concept to which the power applies
  • the word should not be too general, such as omnipotence meaning power over everything

Best Answer

As invited:

Consider reifiability (from reify) as a nudge in the right direction:

Reify verb Make (something abstract) more concrete or real - ODO

The ability to construct is explicit in the term, and the ability to destroy is implicit.

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