Learn English – Word meaning “of many different kinds” in this context


I'm looking for a word that describes a meal that consists of many different kinds of food (in a way that gives pleasure) similiar to the word varied I guess, but used in this context:

let's say Johnny and his little sister arrived at the dinner table for dinner their mom prepared. They're blown away by what's in front of them; there's fish, chicken, pork, soup, and even Johnny's favourite spaghetti and meatballs and more. Dinner is usually pretty plain with only a few simple dishes that's it, but I guess mom's in a good mood today so she decided to treat them with a special dinner. And Johnny may say "wow mom, today's dinner is pretty [that word]!"

What is the word I'm looking for?

Best Answer

Feast comes to mind.

If it is served as a buffet, smorgasbord which is an excellent Scandinavian loan word!

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