Learn English – Word meaning ‘someone who has received a lot’


What's a generic word for someone who has been given a lot [of good things]?

We were playing a party game last night wherein we were to describe our life in one word. Later, as we drove home, my wife said the idea she wanted to get across was that she received a lot in different areas of her life, but that the word 'blessed' wasn't quite the right word. Blessed has too much connotation of set apart or special. Is there a word for a person that has been given many good things without being especially deserving or noteworthy as an individual?

(Note: I do think she is special and wonderful, but that doesn't help us think of a word that fit the description)

Best Answer

How about favoured (or favored if you're American)? To me that implies that you've received a lot, without specifying money, and also without implying either way whether you're deserving or not.