Learn English – Word meaning “to choose or take something as one’s own”


I was having a conversation with an agent of an Internet service provider and the reason I called them was because I'm confused about a plan they have that is very similar to the one I currently have and I wanted to find out the difference. The conversation was coming nearer to the end and the agent asked me if there was anything else she could assist me with, and I said something along the lines of

No that's all, I actually have the Flex plan with you guys(the plan that's very similar to the one I had confusion about), I was just confused about the 30-day pass, but now I understand. I'll think about it if I want to consider the 30-day Flex plan(the one I had confusion about), thanks very much.

The last sentence of my reply, is there a word/phrasal verb that could replace consider to mean to choose or take something as one's own?

I figured there could be a much better expression to use than consider. I don't want to say choose or use because they seem too strong because the whole intention of my call is to clear the confusion I have with this other plan that's very similar to the plan I currently have and not to decide on getting a plan and I'm pretty satisfied with my current plan though perhaps I might consider about this other plan, it's not my first intention.

Best Answer

For choose or take as one’s own, Collins Dictionary has adopt:

adopt verb

  1. (law) to bring (a person) into a specific relationship, esp to take (another’s child) as one’s own child
  2. to choose and follow (a plan, technique, etc)
  3. to take over (an idea, etc) as if it were one’s own
  4. to take on; assume ⇒ to adopt a title
  5. to accept (a report, etc)

However, you might also take up the Flex plan, or take advantage of it. Certainly your sentence “I’ll think about it if I want to consider the 30-day Flex plan” might have been “I’ll consider whether I want to take up the 30-day Flex plan” (or adopt or take advantage of).

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