Learn English – Word or a short phrase to describe a person who is socially responsible


I’m looking for a single catchy word or a short phrase to describe a person who is socially responsible. The “responsibility” meaning seems to be too official and not catchy enough. I’m looking for a word to deliver the idea of belonging, social involvement, caring, compassion, when company or person is not just announcing it’s belonging to some socially important deeds, but really delivers something good (money or pro bono help) to those who need it.

For example, I want to say

“Bob is a real/really _____”.

It can be in two words, but one is much better. It can be a slang word, a newly blended word, idiom, whatever comes to your mind when it's used in general speaking, writing or reading.

Best Answer

Consider mensch:

A very sound, reliable, or honorable person; a person with great integrity or strength of character. From the Yiddish word mentsh, with spelling taken from the German word Mensch (human being).
Tom's a real mensch, always willing to help a friend in need no matter what.
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