Learn English – Word or idiom for someone who is the pride of their family


I'm looking for a word describing someone of whom everyone in their family is proud of. I found golden boy, or golden girl. What else could I use?

For example:

Susan was a straight A student, she was very nice and never got into fights. Whenever I would get bad grades or my teachers complained about my behavior, my parents would ask me why couldn't I be more like Susan. Susan was the family's golden girl.

Up to now, I found:

  • outlier: someone very successful and unlike others in the group

  • boy/girl wonder

  • success story

  • wunderkind

  • prodigy

  • whiz kid.

Pride and joy

was suggested by one of the answers, and is closest to what I'm looking for.

Little Miss Perfect

is another phrase I found, though I think it carries a negative connotation.

Best Answer

There is the idiomatic expressions pride and joy:

  • The object of one's great pleasure, as in "Our new grandson is our pride and joy."

(This term was probably invented by Sir Walter Scott in his poem Rokeby (1813), where he described children as "a mother's pride, a father's joy.")

(American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms)

Susan was the family's pride and joy.