Learn English – Word or phrase for doing something poorly so that someone else does it for you


Let's say that I abhor doing a particular chore such as the dishes. Let's then say I intentionally do the dishes poorly. That way when my significant other sees the bad job I've done they stop asking me to do the dishes because they believe me to be utterly incompetent.

Is there a word or phrase for such behavior?

Best Answer

I refer to this tactic as, “Strategic Incompetence”. It is a tactic that, however effective in the short term, can prove disastrous in the long run, as one might eventually convince their significant other that one is as dumb as rocks, and that’s even worse than doing one's own dishes.

"Avoiding Strategic Incompetence"

• “He began to milk his lack of picnic knowledge for all it wasn’t worth. He responded to any inquiries or suggestions with questions and comments such as ‘how do you do that’, or ‘what did you guys do in the past’ or even ‘help me remember why we’re talking about this’. Ultimately, responsibility for the picnic was reassigned. Mission unaccomplished.”

• “Strategic incompetence isn’t about having a strategy that fails, but a failure that succeeds. It almost always works to deflect work on doesn’t want to do – without ever having to admit it. See, Bill Bilanich Avoiding Strategic Incompetence

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