Learn English – Word similar to “excuse” but without negative connotation


I was looking up absentee voting laws in different states after hearing something on the news and saw this: https://ballotpedia.org/Absentee_voting

It divides the US states into three groups based on the circumstances under which one can cast an absentee ballot:

  1. Excuse required.
  2. No excuse required.
  3. All-mail voting.

In a formal context like the law, I don't think "excuse" has much of a negative connotation if any, but most of the time people seem to use it to mean "weak excuse" or "flimsy excuse".

Is there a word with a neutral connotation, similar to "explanation", but with the implication that someone has been granted a privilege or relieved of an obligation?

Best Answer

A word implying excuse (but not a pretext) is grounds.


ground NOUN

3 (grounds) Factors forming a basis for action or the justification for a belief.

‘The evidential burden for restraining property is even lower - all the government needs is ‘reasonable grounds for belief’.’

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