Learn English – Word that means a combination of respect, empathy and being concerned for others’ well being


What I'm trying to convey is the desire not to do harm to another person because you value not harming people.

"Respect" is almost there but it carries the additional meaning of respect for authority and sort of implies an unbalanced relationship.

"Empathy" also captures something of this but empathy seems more about emotions that are shared rather then behavior.

"Concern" also feels wrong as it seems to be too fleeting.

If I was to use it in a sentence it would be something like "The moral of the story is that a relationship without XXXX results in tragedy no matter how much the people involved love each other".

Best Answer

To me, this sounds like sheer kindness, i.e. the quality of being kind.


  • generous, helpful, and thinking about other people's feelings not causing harm or damage

from Cambridge Dictionary


  1. having a friendly or generous nature or attitude
  2. helpful to others or to another ⇒ a kind deed
  3. considerate or humane
  4. cordial; courteous (esp in the phrase kind regards)
  5. pleasant; agreeable; mild ⇒ a kind climate
  6. informal beneficial or not harmful ⇒ a detergent that is kind to the hands
  7. archaic loving

from Collins

Graciousness or magnanimity might also be worth considering.

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