Learn English – word that means “having beautiful hair”


I know that "callipygian" means "having beautiful buttocks"… so I was wondering if there is an English word that means "having beautiful hair".

I tried googling this but couldn't find anything so far.

Best Answer

I think the only single word that can be used is beautiful-haired as a compound adjective. Though, it is not that common and should be used with a noun after (as in beautiful-haired girl).

All the most beautiful-haired celebrities have been surprisingly upfront lately about how rarely they wash their hair.


On the other hand, there is a word, callithrix, that its original meaning is "having beautiful hair" or "beautiful-haired" but it is used in zoology today to define a genus of New World monkeys of the family Callitrichidae, the family containing marmosets and tamarins. These primates have beautiful hair.

The name Callithrix is derived from the Greek words kallos, meaning beautiful, and thrix, meaning hair.

late 18th century: from modern Latin Callitrichidae (plural), from Greek kallitrikhos 'having beautiful hair'.
