Learn English – word to describe someone who has healthy eating habits but isn’t necessarily fit or muscular


I'm looking for an adjective to describe someone who eats healthy. I'm not looking for general reflections of physical health like "fit" or "in shape" or "healthy". I'm looking for something that specifically calls out dietary quality – nutritional is the best I can come up with but that seems wrong / awkward.

Edit – to clarify intent, I'm allowing characters in a lifestyle simulator to demonstrate competency across various factors. These are phrased as adjectives. Others include:

  • Physically Fit
  • Disciplined
  • Energetic
  • Committed
  • (having a healthy diet?)
  • Hygienic
  • etc

Best Answer

Nutritionally aware, while not listed by any dictionary I could find, I did find it in some books. It seems to describe the mindset of being aware of food (or more generally: nutrient) intake, rather than actually eating healthy (you can know what's healthy and still have a bad diet).