Learn English – Word to describe that task should happen in one way and one way only


I'm looking for an adjective that describes that tasks should be approached "one-ly".

To give some context:

  • [Task] must be performed in one way and exclusively one way.


  • There must exist precisely one method of performing [task].

I am looking for an adjective that describes this "one-ness". The adjective does not need to specify what the method is, it should merely prescribe that the task should be approached in precisely one way.

The closest word I could think of is "uniform".

Best Answer

there is only one way to do it and it's "unique" (meaning that it's specific for that situation only)

  • unique: being the only one of its kind, characteristic only of a particular category or entity.

"Such weather pattern is unique to coastal areas."

"This is a unique opportunity."

"Humans are unique because they have the capacity to choose what they do."

" The area has its own unique language, Catalan."