Learn English – word to describe the direction in which the sun’s main rays come from


In the northern hemisphere, houses are aligned so that windows face the south. In the southern hemisphere, houses are aligned with windows to the north.

So, for example, we have this building advice:

Based on the movements of the sun, passive solar buildings typically have windows (glazing) on the southern facing side* of the building in order to absorb the sun’s heat energy to warm a building during the winter.

but then this has to be followed by this

In the northern hemisphere, in order to face the sun and obtain maximum solar gain, the windows would face the south. In the southern hemisphere, however, it is opposite, with the windows facing the north in order to maximize solar gain.


Is there a word that refers to this direction without the need to specify which hemisphere you are referencing?

Best Answer

the sun is never stationary and moves from east to west. But the direction from which the sun's main rays come at any given time is sunward


toward or facing the sun.


facing the sun