Learn English – word to describe the situation where you call someone and hang up so they call you back


Is there a word to describe the situation where you call someone and hang up so they call you back? The purpose of this is usually so that they get the calling charges.

I was thinking it's kind of like 'poking' or 'tagging' them? Like a 'poke/tag call'.


I voted on Tim Lewis' answer as it was the most interesting and it also suggested the answer which makes the most sense. Because we don't have a word for this in the English language, the word Ping can now be used as follows:

Ping (verb): the act of calling someone and then hanging up with the intent of having them call back.

Addendum: Based on this article Wayne Werner linked to in a below comment, the practice is known as beeping. This article lays out the reasons for beeping and the social protocol around it.

Best Answer

Apparently in Czech its called "Prozvonit" which in English is close to "ping" "pinging". Also I've heard people call it "prank" "pranking".