Learn English – Word to refer to the person who creates something that gets reused or remixed


I am looking for a noun to describe the role of "Person A" in the following scenario.

  1. Person A makes a digital project (e.g. a video game, animation, video, etc).
  2. Person B creates a digital project using Person A's project, either parts or the whole thing.

I am calling Person B's project a remix of Person A's project.
Also, I am calling Person B a remixer.

What would you call Person A? Some of the terms I've used are but that I am not 100% happy with are:

  • remixee. I like this one but its a bit obscure and easy to visually confuse with the term remixer.
  • original creator. This is easy to understand but it's two words and it has the problem that it makes it seem as if the remixer is not original, which has a subtle but negative undertone.
  • originator.

Other ideas?

Best Answer

In copyright law, party B's work is called "derivative". The previous work is called "preexisting", so he could be described as the "preexisting author".