Learn English – word which means one who prefers older ways


Is there a word which means one who prefers older ways?

I don't mean a Luddite or a technophobe, or a misoneist, or a neophobe. Not any fear of the new, but rather one who, given no perceived benefit of doing something the new way, prefers an old way.


Even where the new lanes have been added, traffic permitting, John prefers to make lane changes to conform with where the older lanes used to take him; he's rather ________ in that behavior.

Mary is quite the ________, preferring to use a manual pencil sharpener to an electric one.

Best Answer


And what a couple of old patriarchs shall we become, going in the mill-horse round; getting sons and daughters; providing nurses for them first, governors and governesses next; teaching them lessons their fathers never practised, nor which their mother, as her parents will say, was much the better for!
Clarissa Harlowe


Roland is a great personage, an honest nobody, a mill-horse at the wheel of office. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 55, No. 343, May 1844


But I had achieved a frigate and a Princess, and that was not so bad for a beginning, and more than enough to show off with before those dull unadventurous folk who continued on their mill-horse round at home.
Dream Days

All examples lifted from Wordnik - https://www.wordnik.com/words/mill-horse

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