Learn English – Words for adding to beginning and end of list, and beginning and end of node


Say, I have a small list of numbers: [2,4]. (I'm using a bit of math/code notation, but the idea is the same)

If I were to add '0' to the beginning I would have [0,2,4]. I believe this is known as a prepend.

If I were to add '5' to the end I would have [0,2,4,5]. I believe this is known as an append (postpend?).

If I were to add '1' before '2' I would have [0,1,2,4]. I'm not so sure, but believe this might be a prefix.

If I were to add '3' after '2' I would have [0,1,2,3,4]. I'm not so sure, but believe this might be a suffix (postfix?).

Thoughts? Corrections?

Best Answer

Look up the terms:

  • prefix (add at beginning – 'prepend')
  • postfix (add at ending – 'append')
  • infix ('insert' in between)
  • adfix (hypernym for all above)

Note that the "xfix"s and the "xpend"s are independent sets. Both sets of terms exist and are used in different contexts, but never mixed.


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