Learn English – Words with “bi-” prefix that no longer mean “two”


Are there words in English that include the prefix bi- whose current usage includes meanings other than 'two'?

To clarify, I am specifically looking for the prefix of Latin origin meaning "two". If we used the word bicycle (bi- + cycle) to refer to vehicles with one or three wheels, that would be an example of what I'm looking for.*

* Obviously we don't use bicycle this way; my example is to illustrate that if we did use bicycle this way, it would be the sort of thing I'm looking for.

Best Answer

billion comes from bi- + million, as it originally meant the product of two millions - in other words, a million million. This usage persists in Europe (see long scale), but in America a billion means a thousand million. (In the long scale this would be called a milliard.)

See https://www.etymonline.com/word/billion