Learn English – “Write an update to people”


In the context of the proper use of a ticket-tracking system for software development, someone said:

Do not write project status updates to a limited subset of people in email.

(Instead, send the message from within the ticket-tracking system so that all interested parties can read it.)

The phrase write an update to people seems awkward to me, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly why. I can see all these alternatives as correct:

  • send an update to people
  • write to people
  • update people
  • write an update for people
  • write an update that you send to people

Is there something wrong with this phrase, as my instincts suggest? Perhaps considering the seemingly equivalent I wrote to people a project status update in email could help, as that phrase also makes me uneasy.

Best Answer

Nothing wrong with it, IMO.

Would you say the same thing for "write a letter to people"? As a noun, an update is just news that updates some information.

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