Looking for a phrase, word, etc., to describe tendency towards choosing an easy solution


I am curious whether a specific phrase or similar exist.

E.g., modus vivendi characterize "an arrangement or agreement allowing conflicting parties to coexist peacefully".

I am looking for a phrase that characterize a tendency to work towards an easy solution/avoid advanced situations. Like "tendency to choose an easy solution".

Edit for further clarification
So I do health research. We just found in a large-scale study that the mortality rate decreased for intensive care unit patients during the Covid-19 lockdown. We have learned by manually reviewing patient records that ICU facilities have significantly altered selection of patients eligible for ICU admission. The predominant characteristics of these patients comprise diagnogses prone to more favorable outcomes compared to pre-lockdown ICU patients. Thus, there have occured a state of modus operandi prone to pre-hospital selecting of admitting patients with more favorable outcomes. I seek a short catch phrase to encapsulate this practise fit for a paper title in health care research.

Best Answer

Low friction, where friction refers to the degree of difficulty or effort required to navigate life and perform everyday tasks.

The word "friction" is often used beyond its literal meaning in physics to refer to things that cause hassle, trouble, or irritation in life. In physics, friction reduces speed and impedes movement, and likewise in life.

A Microsoft blog quotes a retail expert as saying: "Get as low friction as possible, that's the mantra of being an online retailer, low friction is critical."

A paper by Kivi Sotamaa talks about reducing friction in the context of design: low friction means "ease and fluidity", things "that work in a simple, unobtrusive way".

This article from Berkeley U on mindfulness says "mindfulness can decrease our emotional reactivity to negative events, potentially leading to less social friction in more uncertain, anxiety-producing situations."

Arkansas Online says "In the study of habit formation, whatever makes it harder to achieve your goal is called friction. Reducing friction means removing an obstacle or coming up with a strategy that makes a task easier to do."

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