Mobile Metamask Browser – How to Add a Redirect


I created a site using web3.ys with some features, without react and node. How can I make it so that when entering from a mobile device and when clicking on the button, the user is transferred to the mobile metamask and immediately opens the browser with my site?

Best Answer

Here is what I use:

export function connectMetaMask(chainId) {
  if (!window.ethereum && isMobile()) connectMetamaskMobile();
  else return metaMaskConnector.activate(chainId);

export const connectMetamaskMobile = () => {
  const dappUrl = window.location.href.split("//")[1].split("/")[0];
  const metamaskAppDeepLink = "" + dappUrl;, "_self");

This is described in the MetaMask Docs. I'm using this together with web3-react, however you only need the connectMetaMaskMobile part. Check this out if you want more info on detecting mobile browsers.

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