Ethers.js Struct Parameter – How to Call Function with Struct Parameter


My solidity:

contract Test {

    struct Num {
        uint value;

    function double(Num calldata num) external pure returns(Num memory) {
        return Num({ value: num.value * 2 });

My ethers:

await test.double(2); // doesn't work
await test.double([ 2 ]); // doesn't work
await test.double({ value: 2 }); // doesn't work
await test.double(ethers.BigNumber.from(2)); // doesn't work
await test.double([ ethers.BigNumber.from(2) ]); // doesn't work
await test.double({ value: ethers.BigNumber.from(2) }); // doesn't work

If I call a function that returns a Num type (with a value of 5 for example), I get:

  BigNumber { value: "5" },
  value: BigNumber { value: "5" }

So I also tried:

const params = [ ethers.BigNumber.from("2"), value: ethers.BigNumber.from("2") ]
await test.double(params);

But this doesn't even compile…

I also looked here:

enter image description here

This seems to return the type of structure I need. So I also tried:

let params = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.encode(
    [ 'uint value' ],
    [ 2 ]
params = ethers.utils.defaultAbiCoder.decode([ "uint value" ], params);
await test.double(params) // doesn't work

But this doesn't work either…


Best Answer

For struct, you use an object to insert argument:

const data = {
    value: 100,
const tx = await test.double(data);

I tried and got the output:

BigNumber { value: "200" }, 
value: BigNumber { value: "200" } 
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