Solidity – How to Import Solidity Code or ABIs into Vyper?


Let's say I have a contract in solidity:

pragma solidity 0.8.8;

contract MyContract{
    function getFive() public pure returns (uint256){
        return 5;

Could I import, inhert, etc in vyper? Or do something with it's ABI to import into vyper?

Ie in vyper:

from MyContract import getFive 


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Best Answer

vyper supports importing interfaces from JSON ABI files. You can convert a vyper contract to a JSON ABI interface file with vyper -f abi foo.vy, and you can convert a solidity contract to a JSON ABI interface file with solc --abi foo.sol. In the latest version of vyper, v0.3.3, you would import foo.json using the following syntax:

import foo as Foo

my_foo: Foo  # an external contract which has the interface defined by foo.json
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