Solc: Troubleshooting Inline Assembly Compilation Errors on Linux


The code with inline assembly fails to compile with the solc binaries from The same code compiles without issue using Remix or solcjs. Because of this issue I cannot even compile the basic sample project shipped with hardhat. I assume this is not a bug, so what am I missing?

To replicate you can try the following on any linux distro:

curl -O ''
curl -O ''
chmod +x solc-linux*
./solc-linux-amd64-v0.8.10+commit.fc410830 --bin Address.sol # fails due to inline assembly in the isContract function
solcjs --bin Address.sol # successfully compiles

(Update) This is crazy:

  • Fails to compile code with inline assembly on my pc (fedora 33) and another machine I have (void linux)
  • Compiles when I run the compiler through fedora:33 with docker
  • Fails to compile when I ssh into a cloud instance running fedora 33, but others can compile running the same code on the same remote machine
  • Compiles when I ssh into the same remote cloud instance machine using the aforementioned fedora:33 docker instance
  • Compiles when I ssh into another cloud instance running Debian

Best Answer

Solved. Compiler misbehaves when system locale is set to Turkish. I have submitted a bug report.

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