Private Blockchain Development – How to Create Blockchain from Scratch with Smart Contract Support


I'm looking to create a private blockchain from scratch for an academic project with its own cryptocurrency (looking to make a fiat-based stablecoin).

I managed to code a simple infrastructure on my local machine (with nodejs server executing all blockchain requests). But now I'm looking to add a smart contract feature to it. But that's where I stumbled. I am trying to add the vm package from ethereumjs project ( ) with custom genesis block to locally execute the smart contract function (on each node).

However it's the gas fee that worries me. Apparently every request, method, deployment requires a gas and that it's hard coded into the vm package. I want to run and execute smart contract on my blockchain without any fee whatsoever. Is that even possible? If yes, please do enlighten on the how.

Best Answer

Fees are what keeps the network going. Without them, your infrastructure will likely just become centralized. If you are looking into reduced fees, you should make it a layer 2 like Polygon.

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