dapps – Handling Different IDs for Bulk NFT Minting in ERC-1155


I would like to mint bulk NFTs, say 1000. ERC-721 will be costly, therefore, I would like to use ERC-1155 instead.

What I want to learn is, is it possible to have different IDs for each NFT? If so, how?

Edit 1:

We are building a game where players have NFT tools to mine some resources. Consider Axe to chop some wood.

A gamer can equip 3 Axes. These Axes don't differ in terms of productivty, they all produce same amount of wood. However, players can sometimes attach boosters on the NFTs. Therefore, I need to know on which Axe the booster is attached so that I can increase the production ratio of that particular NFT. We were considering to use mint IDs to differentiate the NFTs, however, I guess there are no mint IDs of the NFTs under a collection if we use ERC-1155, is that correct?

What I need to learn is:

  1. If the Axe collection has 1000 Axe NFTs, does it all have unique IDs or does the collection itself gets an ID? I need to get Axe, say #250, is it possible?
  2. If this is not possible by default, is there a workaround?
  3. Will there be a mint cost difference between 721 and 1155?

Best Answer

Each token in your ERC-1155 collection will have a unique ID. Could you elaborate more on the problem you're facing?

Unless you're talking about nesting fungible or semi-fungible tokens as a 2nd-level structure?

For example you can have ERC-1155 collection with IDs = 1, 2, 3 and then under each ID you can have 100 fractions which are fungible tokens belonging each to their own ID.

Those fungible tokens won't have unique NFT IDs, but you can assign / transfer them to different Ethereum addresses and your collection contract will reflect how many of those "fractions" of each NFT does each address own.

Hope this helps, if not please clarify your question.

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