Brownie – Does eth-brownie Require a Version Below 6?

I need to use the Async features found in web3py 6+ as the features I need are not in pre v6 web3py. I manage my env's using anaconda, but eth-brownie is not available via anaconda to my knowledge which means I need to install brownie via pip, pipx, setuptools, etc. into my anaconda environment.

When installing eth-brownie via pip for example, it uninstalls the web3py 6+ from the anaconda env, and installs 5.31 web3py which does not have the Async features I need to use. This also disables anaconda from managing my web3py version and I am unable to make changes using anaconda for particular libraries due to brownie forcing usage of certain packages.

Does eth-brownie require using web3py below version 6? If anyone is using web3py v6 with eth-brownie, any suggestions on what I need to do?

Best Answer

Brownie is no longer very actively maintained and may not work with the latest versions.

You might want to migrate to ApeWorX.

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