Contract Deployment – Fixing “Invalid Transaction Envelope Type: Specified Type” Error in MyEtherWallet


I have a written a smart contract in Remix. It was possible to deploy this contract on Ropsten through Remix Injected Web3, and also to interact with the smart contract through Remix.
Now I am going to deploy the same contract (compiled in Remix, using the bytecode and ABI from Remix) through MyEtherWallet. I am getting the following error message:

 Invalid transaction envelope type: specified type    "0xOUT" but including maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas requires type: "0x2"

Other people had put the same question (same error message) on other platforms before, but were not given an answer.

Best Answer

This error is specific to MEW 6, use their older version to resolve it:

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