[Ethereum] best practice for airdrops and gas usage


I tried to write an airdrop contract which takes a list of recipients and a list of balances and then can be commanded to airdrop all at once. With code below I can launch a single transaction able to drop tokens to 100 addresses at once. It cost around 3.5M gas, which is huge and close to the maximum per transaction. Launching a single transfer with my particular token costs around 58k gas. So the batch is more efficient using only 60% of the gas needed by multiple transactions yet I'm bit disappointed because I expected a much bigger saving. I'm looking for a better strategy if any.

pragma solidity ^0.4.17;

import "zeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20Basic.sol";

contract Airdrop{
    address[] public recipients;
    uint256[] public balances;
    ERC20Basic public token;
  address owner;

    function Airdrop(address _token) public{
        require(_token != address(0));
        token = ERC20Basic(_token);
    owner = msg.sender;

    function setRecipientsAndBalances(address[] _recipients, uint256[] _balances) public {
        require(_recipients.length == _balances.length);
    require(msg.sender == owner);
        recipients = _recipients;
        balances = _balances;

    function doAirdrop() public returns(uint){
      require(msg.sender == owner);
        for(uint i=0; i < recipients.length; i++){
                return i;
        return recipients.length;


Then I tried to launch with a script like this (code is not complete)

  it('should do massive airdrop to cause gas issues', async function () {

    //an empty array
    var a = [];

    //generate 100 integers and push in a
    for (i=100;i<200;i++) a.push(i);

    //generate 100 0x addresses appending the integers
    const addr = a.map(x => "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000" + x );


    //generate an array of balances all equal to 1000
    let balances = addr.map(x => 1000);

    //call the airdrop contract to set the recipients and balances
    await this.airdrop.setRecipientsAndBalances(addr,balances).should.be.fulfilled;

    //call the airdrop to finally airdrop
    let result = await this.airdrop.doAirdrop();

    //write gas on the console


I get a gas usage of 3.5ml gas

Best Answer

  • You are saving the addresses and balances in the contracts storage, that is expensive. You can send them as parameters and never store them.

  • You are checking if you have enough funds before each transfer that should not be necesary, transfer internally should checks for the sender balance. Remove checks as redundant.

Something like this should work better

function doAirdrop(address[] _recipients, uint256[] _balances) public {
    require(msg.sender == owner);
    require(_recipients.length == _balances.length);
    for (uint i=0; i < _recipients.length; i++) {
        token.transfer(_recipients[i], _balances[i]);
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