[Ethereum] Better open source blockchain explorer for Quorum blockchain


I was looking for open source blockchain explorers for Quorum blockchain other than https://github.com/blk-io/blk-explorer-free, Thanks

Best Answer

You can take a look at CBX Quorum Explorer, which is free software.

Some characteristics:

  • Real-time synchronization with little delay (~ 1 second).
  • Rollback mechanism after abrupt crashes of the syncer module.
  • Auto-reconnect on database downs.
  • Auto-reconnect on source node downs.
  • Recognition of accounts represented with and without checksum.
  • Infinite scroll for blocks and transactions lists.
  • Optional decoding of extraData field when using IBFT consensus (vanity, validators, seal and commitedSeals).

CBX Quorum Explorer

Disclaimer: I am the lead developer of the project.

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