Windows – ‘Brownie’ Not Recognized as Internal or External Command on Windows 10


I downloaded eth brownie via

pipx install eth-brownie

and got

'eth-brownie' already seems to be installed. Not modifying existing installation in 'C:\\Users\\HP\\.local\\pipx\\venvs\\eth-brownie'. Pass '--force' to force installation.

when I type Brownie for confirmation I get

'brownie' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

tried to do

C:\\Users\\HP\\.local\\pipx\\venvs\\eth-brownie --force

but got

The system cannot find the path specified.

Edit: I tried installing and reinstalling all versions of python and tried to install brownie by using

pip install eth-brownie

but it says

C1083: Cannot open include file: 'io.h': No such file or directory

I'm on windows if that makes any difference any help would be amazing thx

Best Answer

I have faced the same problem while running brownie. The following are the steps that helped me fix the error.

  1. First, I have uninstalled pipx and removed pipx directory from C:\Users\{Your user_name}\.local\ in which even the eth-brownie folder is located.

  2. Uninstalled Python and again reinstalled it, but this time with the custom install option as shown in the below image. Make sure you check the first option "Install for all users"

enter image description here

  1. Now just to make sure, check for python --version & pip --version. If everything is fine. Great!! Else please check if the respective PATHs are added to environment variables.

  2. Now install pipx using pip through following commands.

    • python -m pip install --user pipx
    • python -m pipx ensurepath
  3. Now make sure that pipx executable (pipx.exe) is added to the PATH in environment variables. In my case "C:\Users{Your user_name}\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\Scripts" which is generally where you will find it.

  4. Also make sure "c:\users{Your user_name}.local\bin" is added to the PATH, which by default gets added during pipx installation.

  5. Now try pipx --version which hopefully should give something like "1.1.0".

  6. Now install brownie using "pipx install eth-brownie"

  7. To check if everything worked, type "brownie" in the command prompt, which hopefully should give something like "Brownie v1.19.0 - Python development framework for Ethereum"

This would hopefully solve both pipx and brownie errors. Please let me know if this was helpful. Thank You!!

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