[Ethereum] Brute-forcing private keys


In this post by an Ethereum engineer taken from the Ethereum wiki about brute-forcing private keys, he writes:

"Public keys are sized so that, absent a breakthrough in solving the
discrete logarithm problem, brute force is impractical for any
conceivable amount of computing power. With 2^128 possible
combinations, and if we assume a modern computer can compute, say, a
billion per second (which is a massive overestimate), it would take a
million such computers ~5e15 years to brute force your key. If we
assume computing power improves by another million fold, it'd take
this massive cluster 'only' about 5 billion years."

However, according to this question, a private key is 256 bits long. In this case, why is the quote referring to 2^128 instead of 2^256?

Best Answer

Disclaimer: Not my domain of expertise.

Ethereum uses elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for security. One can perform naïve brute force testing of a 256 bit key by testing all 2^256 combinations. However, similar to how it's unnecessary to test every number between 2 and n - 1 to test if n is prime (worst-case high-school method is O(n^0.5), but even better algorithms exist), ECC can be broken by solving the relevant elliptic curve discrete log problem more efficiently.

The best known algorithms for solving the elliptic curve discrete log problem operate in worst case O(n^0.5); (2^256)^0.5 yields 2^128 steps for brute forcing a 256-bit key. Hence, at most 2^128 trials are required to break a 256-bit key used for Ethereum. Note that this is unrelated to the birthday paradox, which pertains to collisions; the fact that both happen to be square root of n is pure coincidence.

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