Web3.js – Building a Custom Web3 Provider


I wonder if there are any tutorials / guides out there that explain how to create your own web3 provider (like metamask), what to consider when creating one, how to handle security/privacy issues, what are the best practices and such..

I know for example that web3 provider, should implement the web3.js library, and to export some of its functions for external use. and if for example I want to create a chrome extension, my provider should inject the web3 object into the host window.

I know that my question is too general, but I am looking for some guidance basically, just to give me a lead to start.

Just to be clear, I am looking for a way to build a chrome extension that will be the web3 provider, in other words I want to build my own Metamsk / parity extension

Best Answer

You are asking about very niche and complex problem, so one cannot expect ready made tutorials to be available.

I would suggest

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