[Ethereum] Can not install Ganache GUI on Ubuntu


I am trying to install Ganache GUI on my ubuntu 18.04. I downloaded the Ganache-2.0.1.AppImage from the site. On the site it says that the package installs automatically when double clicked. But it is giving error of not finding any application to open the file.

I have installed the Ganache cli by this command
"npm install -g ganache-cli"

Is it not possible to install the GUI for Ganache on linux? If yes please tell me how?

Best Answer

You'll need to mark the AppImage file as executable program before you can run it.

  1. Right click on the file and go to Properties option;
  2. Under the "Permissions" tab, check the "Allow executing file as a program" checkbox;
  3. Double click to run;
  4. Optionally accept the offer to integrate and create a shortcut.
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