Contract Invocation Events – How to Resolve Not Receiving Events Issue


My web3 version is web3@1.0.0-beta.26, I am deploying the contract on the localhost:8545.

Here is my contract example.

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;
contract LocalEthereum {

    address public owner;
    event Created(bytes32 _tradeHash);
    function createEvent() onlyOwner external {

and here is my js code

init the contract instance

  var Contract = new this.web3.eth.Contract(abi_json,address);

button click events

      Contract.methods.Created().send({from: account,gas:210000,gasPrice:5000000000})
                      .on('transactionHash', function(hash){
                      .on('receipt', function(receipt){
                      .on('confirmation', function(confirmationNumber, receipt){
                      .on('error', console.error);

watch events{},{ fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' }, function(error, event){ console.log(event); })
                        .on('data', function(event){
                        .on('changed', function(event){
                             console.log('on changed');
                        .on('error', console.error);

The js app can load the contract and connect the ethereum network, when I click the button, Contract will generate a 'Created' rpc call to the ethereum, the transaction can be received immediately. On the testrpc interface I could also see the transaction as shown below.

  Transaction: 0x2469f2085c8f6f23ad8aa30bc6cf99ade40ea2f0368b9bb008496ba05d927d84
  Gas usage: 21272
  Block Number: 6
  Block Time: Thu Dec 28 2017 20:38:02 GMT+0000 (GMT)

Everything works well, however the event call is never activated after the method call. There is only one time event call in the app intialization but still the{},{ fromBlock: 0, toBlock: 'latest' }, function(error, event){ console.log(event); })
                        .on('data', function(event){

the console outputs the null.

Wonder what is the problem?

i wonder is it because of web3 provider? currently i am using web http not ws. And currently I am testing on the ganache-cli and testrpc.

this.web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://localhost:8545'));

is http provider doesn't provide event?

Best Answer

Actually I found that the HttpProvider doesn't support subscribing to events in web3.js 1.0.0. From

Object - HttpProvider: The HTTP provider is deprecated, as it won’t work for subscriptions.

So I will indeed need to use the WebsocketProvider (or IpcProvider for local nodes).

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