Smart Contracts Encryption – Can Smart Contracts Compute on Encrypted Data?


There's a ton of super technical articles out there published about this, but I cannot understand them because I don't have a PHD in cryptography.
So then, put simply, can I or can I not have smart contracts process and run queries on encrypted data?
if the answer is no, then, does there exist some milestone of development in the near future at which point we will able to query encrypted data on ethereum? perhaps via IPFS integration?

Best Answer

If I understand your question correctly, what you are referring to is called secure multi-party computation which is not a current capability of smart contracts. In fact, it's a challenging problem that is probably best done off the blockchain as it can be computationally intensive. I'd recommend looking at MIT's enigma and openPDS projects for starters.

I've not seen any planned milestones for this capability in Ethereum.

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