[Ethereum] Cannot create filter on Infura via web3.py


I have an Infura account and I have the following code:

web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider("https://ropsten.infura.io/mytoken") )
web3_pending_filter = web3.eth.filter('pending')

when line web3_pending_filter = web3.eth.filter('pending') executes, I get error:

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 405 Client Error: Method Not Allowed
for url: https://ropsten.infura.io/mytoken

How can I fix this issue?

Best Answer

Infura doesn't support filters.

Per https://api.infura.io/v1/jsonrpc/ropsten/methods (from the documentation, these are the supported methods:

  "get": [
  "post": [
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