Solidity – Check if msg.sender is a Specific Type of Contract


Is it possible to check if msg.sender is a contract of a specific type?

For example:

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Baz {

    function Baz(){
        // want this to fail
        new Foo();

contract Bar {

    function Bar(){
        new Foo();

contract Foo {
    Bar bar;

    function Foo(){
        // how to make sure that msg.sender is of type Bar?
        bar = Bar(msg.sender);

I've tried this in Remix and running it Baz in remix doesn't cause any problems.

Best Answer

You could do this short and simple. It would guard against accidental mix-ups, but not deliberate impersonation.

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Baz {

    function Baz(){
        // want this to fail
        new Foo();

contract Bar {

    function Bar(){
        new Foo();

    function iAmBar() public pure returns(bool isIndeed) {
        return true;

contract Foo {
    Bar bar;

    function Foo(){
        // how to make sure that msg.sender is of type Bar?
        bar = Bar(msg.sender);

Another way to go is to whitelist all the "friendly" contracts. In the case you have more than one deployer, you would use a separate whitelist to catalogue all the "friendlies". A simpler example just has your Bar contract keep track of its progeny.

pragma solidity ^0.4.23;
contract Baz {

    function Baz(){
        // want this to fail
        new Foo();

contract Bar {

    mapping(address => bool) public isWhiteListed;

    function Bar(){
        Foo f = new Foo();
        isWhiteListed[address(f)] = true;


contract Foo {
    Bar bar;

    function Foo(){
        // how to make sure that msg.sender is of type Bar?
        bar = Bar(msg.sender);

Hope it helps.

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