Configuring Geth Node Started by Mist – Step by Step Guide


When I launch mist, it starts up a geth node by default. How do I specify the configurations for this node?

Specifically, I just want to achieve the equivalent of geth --cache=1024 which I can do via a CLI prior to launching the mist GUI.

Best Answer

Mist now accepts new options that can be passed to the underlying node, which by default is geth. You can use all the same options from the node, you just need to prefix them with --node. For instance, the geth option --datadir becomes mist option --node-datadir.

My mist launcher looks something like this:

mist --node-cache 512 --node-maxpeers 50 --node-port 30304

On linux, you can see your options were used to launch geth with a command like the following:

ps aux | grep geth
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