[Ethereum] Contract error: TypeError: abi.forEach is not a function


mac OS 10.14.15

node version v10.15.3
web3 version 1.0
version Parity-Ethereum/v2.5.1-beta-adabd8198-20190514/x86_64-macos/rustc1.34.1

I am trying to follow a YT tutorial to instantiate a contract object. The contract address and abi are for the OMG token. I am running a parity node.


const myContract2 = new web3.eth.Contract(abi,contractAddress);
TypeError: abi.forEach is not a function
at AbiMapper.map (/Users/nancyibsen/node_modules/web3-eth-contract/dist/web3-eth-contract.cjs.js:292:11)
at new AbstractContract (/Users/nancyibsen/node_modules/web3-eth-contract/dist/web3-eth-contract.cjs.js:984:38)
at ContractModuleFactory.createContract (/Users/nancyibsen/node_modules/web3-eth-contract/dist/web3-eth-contract.cjs.js:1089:14)
at new Eth._this.Contract (/Users/nancyibsen/node_modules/web3-eth/dist/web3-eth.cjs.js:403:50)

Best Answer

It's difficult to tell from the information posted, but abi may not be an array. A quick way to tell is to evaluate Array.isArray(abi). It should return true for an array.

A long shot, but assuming you have the ABI in string format (somehow), you could try replacing:

    const myContract2 = new web3.eth.Contract(abi,contractAddress)


    const parsedABI = JSON.parse(abi)
    const myContract2 = new web3.eth.Contract(parsedABI,contractAddress)
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