Solidity – How to Convert Hex Numbers Using JavaScript?


var contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(contractAddress);
var result = await contract.getPlayerDeposit("").call();

I got in array:
(4) [Array(1), Array(1), Array(1), Array(1)]
0: Array(1)
0: v {_hex: "0x00", _ethersType: "BigNumber"}
length: 1
proto: Array(0)
1: Array(1)
0: v
_hex: "0x5f887761"
_ethersType: "BigNumber"
proto: Object
length: 1
proto: Array(0)
2: [v]
3: [v]
length: 4
proto: Array(0)

How to convert hex number? I'm using javascript to retrieve data from contract?


Best Answer

I assume you want to convert the BigNumber into a normal number, you can do that by:


But keep in mind that JavaScript's Number is a 64 bit number, so the uint256 in your solidity contract might not always be shrinked down to 64 bits.

A safer way to to that is to keep the number in String, if you don't want to do any additions or substractions on it.


If the number is not going to be very big, you can keep it uint32 in your contract, that automatically makes the ethers.js to convert it into a JavsScript Number by default.