[Ethereum] CPU mining JSON_PARSE_ERROR


I just wanted to mine ETH with my CPU. I use Windows 7 64 Bit with ethminer.

I started the cpu miner with a batch

ethminer -t 6 -C -F http://ethereumpool.co/?miner=5@0x17C0Bea7c44*******9569EBA3d9B605CF2@RigCPU

It starts up and starts mining with about .5-.6 MH/s but after about 1 minute i get

Exception -32700 JSON_PARSE_ERROR: The JSON-Object is not JASON-Valid: Database Error

I have no idea how I could solve this.

CPU is an i7 3630QM

Best Answer

In reference to this: http://ethpool.org/

"If you receive frequent "JSON-RPC Problem" errors try to increase your --farm-recheck value. You should find a valid share every 1-2 minutes. If it constantly takes you longer to find a share try to lower your hashrate values (minimum is 0.1)."

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