Solidity – Creating Constructors in Remix for Secure Smart Contracts


How do I create a constructor in solidity?

My goal is to have values initialized when the smart contract is deployed. As a java programmer, I default to a constructor to handle this.

contract NimGamev3 {


constructor(NimGamev3) internal {





I've read that you should use the constructor keyword to create a constructor to initialize values. This doesn't raise any errors when using remix. When I copy the code to Ethereum Wallet I get an error, "Could not compile source code. Expected identifier, got 'eth_compileSolidty' constructor(NimGamev3) internal {"

When I use a function to initialize variables, it is not called on when the contract is deployed, and if I make it public, it can be initialized multiple times which is not the intended function of the constructor.

Note: I am currently using 0.4.21

Best Answer

The use of the name constructor for the constructor is in the version 0.4.22 of Solidity. You are using 0.4.21, which doesn't implement it.

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