Contract Design – Difference Between CALL, CALLCODE, and DELEGATECALL in EVM


CALL and CALLCODE take the same number of operands (in the execution stack). For the exception flag being pushed on top of the stack: 0 means exception, 1 means successful execution. CALL is easy to understand, but I could not digest the subtle difference between CALL & CALLCODE. It is stated in the yellow paper that for

CALLCODE: This means that the recipient is
in fact the same account as at present, simply that the code is

What does it mean by the code is overwritten? Does that mean I can ask the contract to execute some external code? It would be helpful if anyone can provide me an example to differentiate between the two.

EDIT: DELEGATECALL was added in Homestead what is the difference?

Best Answer

DELEGATECALL basically says that I'm a contract and I'm allowing (delegating) you to do whatever you want to my storage. DELEGATECALL is a security risk for the sending contract which needs to trust that the receiving contract will treat the storage well.

DELEGATECALL was a new opcode that was a bug fix for CALLCODE which did not preserve msg.sender and msg.value. If Alice invokes Bob who does DELEGATECALL to Charlie, the msg.sender in the DELEGATECALL is Alice (whereas if CALLCODE was used the msg.sender would be Bob).


When D does CALL on E, the code runs in the context of E: the storage of E is used.

When D does CALLCODE on E, the code runs in the context of D. So imagine that the code of E is in D. Whenever the code writes to storage, it writes to the storage of account D, instead of E.

contract D {
  uint public n;
  address public sender;

  function callSetN(address _e, uint _n) {"setN(uint256)")), _n); // E's storage is set, D is not modified 

  function callcodeSetN(address _e, uint _n) {
    _e.callcode(bytes4(sha3("setN(uint256)")), _n); // D's storage is set, E is not modified 

  function delegatecallSetN(address _e, uint _n) {
    _e.delegatecall(bytes4(sha3("setN(uint256)")), _n); // D's storage is set, E is not modified 

contract E {
  uint public n;
  address public sender;

  function setN(uint _n) {
    n = _n;
    sender = msg.sender;
    // msg.sender is D if invoked by D's callcodeSetN. None of E's storage is updated
    // msg.sender is C if invoked by None of E's storage is updated

    // the value of "this" is D, when invoked by either D's callcodeSetN or

contract C {
    function foo(D _d, E _e, uint _n) {
        _d.delegatecallSetN(_e, _n);

When D does CALLCODE on E, msg.sender inside E is D as commented in the code above.

When an account C invokes D, and D does DELEGATECALL on E, msg.sender inside E is C. That is, E has the same msg.sender and msg.value as D.

You can quickly test above in Solidity Browser.

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