[Ethereum] Does etherscan api support retrieving ERC-20 Token txns


I use etherscan api. https://api.etherscan.io/apis

I want to get ERC-20 Token txns (or Token Transfer Events) like this page. https://etherscan.io/address/0x57e7674b1c58a0edce5a62af228ab34f09c00fca#tokentxns

but I only got the following response. This is the same as this page. https://etherscan.io/address/0x57e7674b1c58a0edce5a62af228ab34f09c00fca#internaltx

$ curl "https://api.etherscan.io/api?module=account&action=txlistinternal&address=0x57e7674b1c58a0edce5a62af228ab34f09c00fca&apikey=xxx"

  "status": "1",
  "message": "OK",
  "result": [
      "blockNumber": "6751220",
      "timeStamp": "1542883826",
      "hash": "0x5e3abc85125b7363ab29f24d1c5962ab83a15de39f697ba85004906eeff8b71a",
      "from": "0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2",
      "to": "0x57e7674b1c58a0edce5a62af228ab34f09c00fca",
      "value": "1900000000000000",
      "contractAddress": "",
      "input": "",
      "type": "call",
      "gas": "2300",
      "gasUsed": "0",
      "traceId": "0",
      "isError": "0",
      "errCode": ""
      "blockNumber": "6751254",
      "timeStamp": "1542884443",
      "hash": "0x5119c2d5eae0fdc4a0e000b84231cfb5db075efd30fcca3fabe91d2bbfdc9006",
      "from": "0xb1690c08e213a35ed9bab7b318de14420fb57d8c",
      "to": "0x57e7674b1c58a0edce5a62af228ab34f09c00fca",
      "value": "2418981481482",
      "contractAddress": "",
      "input": "",
      "type": "call",
      "gas": "2300",
      "gasUsed": "0",
      "traceId": "1",
      "isError": "0",
      "errCode": ""

How can I get ERC-20 Token txns (or Token Transfer Events)?

Best Answer

Yes it does, you need to use the module account, there is an action to get ERC20 events, Token transactions

Hope this helps

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