Solidity – Efficiently Using selfdestruct() for Safe Ether Transfer


I have been getting into mitigating reentrancy issues and safe ether transfer recently and have come up with the following 'safe transfer' code.

  1. deploy contract Foo
  2. send ether to Foo
  3. execute function safeTransfer specifying the destination address and value in wei

    pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
    contract Interface {
        function pay();
    contract Foo {
        function safeTransfer (address _to, uint256 _amount)
            Bar a = new Bar(_to);
            Interface b = Interface(a);
        function () payable {}
    contract Bar {
        address payee;
        function Bar (address _payee)
                payee = _payee;
        function () payable {}
        function pay () 

At ~150k gas this is rather expensive but it works. I am aware of the pull payment best practise but would much prefer a convenient automated payments method. Any thoughts on how to potentially optimise this idea for use as payment option in a contract?

Best Answer

If your goal is to mitigate reentrancy vulnerability, transfer() has a gas stipend of only 2300 which is enough only to publish an event. In other words, as long as you stick to `transfer it's not possible to call back your contract.

There is a small potential for improvement if you pass _payee directly to pay() function saving a bit of storage:

function pay (address _payee) 

But I'm afraid that if you want to use a selfdestruct safety feature you will need to pay for contract creation every time - which is a very expensive operation.

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