[Ethereum] Ethereum Blockchain Size


I synchnorized Ethereum blockchain in my AWS Ubuntu 16.04 server with 110GB Hard Disk.

The command I used is geth --syncmode=fast --cache=1024

According to bitinfocharts, the total size of Ethereum Blockchain is 103.10 GB total as of today (2017.11.26).

After synchronization is completed, I typed dh -h to find out how much disk space it consumed.

It is ONLY USED 38GB, which is 1/3 of the blockchain size!

Does anyone know why?


From this link, 5chdn answered that the Geth only offers database pruning on initial sync.

Is that the reason? what If i want to synchronized full blockchain node?

What command should I use to sync the full node?

Best Answer

You do have the whole blockchain, you are not missing any information. It's true initial sync is done in "fast" mode and contains pruned information that you don't need.

So everything is all good and well.

This also means that it's not a bad idea to delete the blockchain data and restart if you are low on disk storage and has been running a node for >6 months. The database will be much smaller (but again they both are full nodes).

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